Leucadendron & Ranunculus Bouquet
Let's be real, some bouquets are difficult to make. This bouquet is NOT.
With the perfect combination of Leucadendron foliage and Ranunculus flowers, this dark and lovely bouquet comes together faster than a group of exes plotting revenge. Which is why I just HAVE to share. - See below for details.
Leucadendron & Ranunculus Bouquet Ingredients
7 Stems Leucadendron “Ebony”
5 Stems “Sahara” Rose
9 Stems Plum Ranunculus
7 Stems Butterfly Ranunculus “Europe”
Decorative Ribbon of your choice
Vase (For Storage)
Flower Preparation
It is always a good idea to condition and prepare your flowers prior to designing an arrangement or bouquet. Conditioning your fresh flowers encourage proper hydration and improves the vase life (How long flowers last in the vase).
Trim the large woody stems of the Leucadendron “Ebony” at a 45-degree angle and place them in deep room temperature water to hydrate.
Remove all of the foliage and thorns from the roses. Trim the ends at a 45-degree angle. Place in deep warm water to hydrate.
Remove all of the foliage from the Ranunculus, Europe, and Purple. Cut the ends at a 45-degree angle. Place the stems in about 2-4 inches of cold water. Store in a floral cooler or refrigerated area until ready to use. If unable to store in a cold place - keep the ranunculus away from hot or warm areas.
Swaps and substitutions:
If you are unable to buy the recommended flowers: FOCUS ON COLOR, and if you can't find a similar color. THEN FOCUS ON TEXTURE. Below are a few suggestions for you to consider if you need to exchange or swap out any of the original materials.
Leucadendron “Ebony”:
Burgundy Cotinus Foliage
Burgundy Agonis Foliage
Sahara Roses:
Quicksand Roses
Purple Ranunculus:
Black/ Dark Purple Tulips
Lavender Roses:
Lavender Tulips
Lavender Hyacinth
Lavender Chrysanthemums
How to make a Leucadendron & Ranunculus Bouquet
Step 1 - Leucadendron
Gather all (seven) of the leucadendron stems in your hand until they form a loose uneven cloud - Allowing the stems on the lower left side to reach out and down from the heart of the bouquet.
Step 2 - Sahara Roses
Nestle two roses low and near the outer edges of the foliage to help support the form. Add the final three stems to the bouquet near the upper left, right and lower right sides - forming a triangle. Be sure to pull these stems out so they are easily visible.
Step 3 - Purple Ranunculus
Tuck one plum ranunculus into the center of the bouquet. Add the remaining eight stems of ranunculus to the bouquet until they form a triangle. Create asymmetry by allowing the tallest stems to reach out and away from the right side of the bouquet.
Step 4 - Lavender “Europe” Ranunculus
Like a good pair of spanks, use all (seven) stems of the butterfly ranunculus to accentuate the lines created with the plum ranunculus.
Lastly, use bouquet tape to secure the stems. Trim the stems until even. Hydrate in a vase of cold water until ready to use. Right before you are ready to use, dry off the stems. Wrap the stems in a silk or satin ribbon of your choice.
tips & tricks:
A) If you have back trouble, use a mirror to make the bouquet.
B) After adding the ribbon, don't put it back in the water. You’ll just end up with a soggy mess and the last time I checked, this wasn’t a wet t-shirt competition. So save that wet fabric for the laundromat. OKrrrr!
C) If you have wrists issues - it is perfectly fine to wrap the bouquet with bouquet tape, put the arrangement in water, and come back to it when you are ready. Move at your own pace.