Real Wedding: Eva & Brian

So often my clients ask me, "What can I do to make MY wedding stand out?" My answer is the same every time, "Fill your wedding with all the love that makes your relationship special and your guests will have an amazing time." This is exactly what Eva and Brian did. They kept the focus of their wedding tightly zoomed in on their incredible connection and a loving family. Eva and Brian's wedding screams BROOKLYN!!! Yet, it still feels understated, charming and most of all...memorable! 

Full Aperture Floral & Corey Torpie Photography  - Brooklyn Wedding - 62.jpeg

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Photography: Corey Torpie Photography - Pre-Ceremony Venue: The Wythe Hotel -  Ceremony and Recepion Venue: Juliette | Williamsburg

Copyright© Full Aperture: A Floral Design Studio, 2014. All Rights Reserved.